Again this is the start of another series on my blog. The series is going to be called "Wishlist". Basically I will pick out some of my favourite items that I want to get each season. Today's post is on my clothing wishlist, but there will also be an winter accessories wishlist and a winter makeup wishlist (which will probably just be new releases). It just so happens that all my picks for this post are from New Look and I promise you I'm not sponsored by them or anything, I've just been really loving that shop recently and have found so many things I want.
1. Black Formal Biker Coat - £39.99
So this first one is something I am completely in love with but I don't think I will ever get the chance to buy it, as it is currently in the New Look sale, which means they will be going soon and I have no money to buy it with, however I do really love it. It's from the teenager section which is called like "915 Generation" or something like that. I don't know why I like it I just do haha, probably because it's black and warm.
2. Brown Metal Trim Loafers - £19.99
I really love this dress, again, probably because it's grey and I love grey it's like my favourite colour. It's just a simple skater dress with short sleeves. I actually only own one dress, I'm not really that confident in dresses, but this year I want to start wearing more. I just think this is a really nice simple dress that would make a really cute winter outfit if I wore it with some knitted tights, some boots, a cosy cardigan and maybe a cute scarf.
4. Dark Red Check Long Sleeve Shirt - £17.99.
I am definitely a fan of checked shirts and this one is so me. I love the darker reds than the brighter ones, so this one is literally perfect. But again, this is in the sale, which means that I probably won't be able to buy it (insert sad face). It's from the 915 Generation section of New Look and I am in love with it.
5. Grey Checklist Coffee Sweater - £14.99.
These are like the perfect pair of boots for me. They are heeled but the heel is very small so I think they would be really easy to walk in. They are from the teen section but that doesn't really matter to me.
7. Grey Wide Sleeve T-Shirt - £9,99
This is just a really nice simple plain grey t-shirt. It looks quite baggy which I actually really like. I think it would just go with pretty much anything.
I only own one pair of plain black skinny jeans which used to fit me but are now somehow to big and really uncomfortable, so I just really want a new pair. I want high waisted ones because I feel like they suit me better. Black jeans go with so much and I know £35 might seem a lot, but I want a good quality pair that are comfortable but will also last a while. I either want to get these or the TopShop Joni Jeans.
I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know what are some of the things you want to get this season!
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